IT Support & Managed Services

Realize the business benefits of Managed Services

Cognatic is a managed services specialist within the Microsoft technology ecosystem. We combine consultative services with 24x7 onging management and support, using industrialized operation model. Our range of Managed Services includes a broad spectrum of modular services that can be combined to create a cutomised offering to suit each individual client. Target-driven alternatives to in-house and outsourcing solutions, standardisation and establishment of continuous business process. We become a seamless extension of your IT staff to give you the secure, reliable network that you need, keeping your users happy and employees working productively.

IT Automation

We monitor your systems and security 24x7. We proactively remediate or alert you when problems arise.

Priority Support

Enjoy the benefit of unlimited prority support from our team experts. Focus on solution rather than accounting.

Full Network Maintenance

We manage and maintain your entire network including workstations, servers, wifi, internet connection and more.

Disaster Management

Disaster Recovery is the next generation in backup and recovery of servers. Disaster recovery allows us to restore an entire server in hours, not days.

IT Consulting & Strategy

We build a custom IT roadmap for your business, then meet with you on a regular basis ensure your systems are up to date and secure.

Documentation & Inventory

We document your entire IT inventory, allowing us to quickly remediate issues and to help you manage your technology.